Relief Society Lesson
Sunday October 13th Sister West will give a lesson on President Russel M Nelson’s talk: Spiritual Treasures. Please read/watch the talk in preparation for Sunday’s lesson.
Young Women
Beehives: Movie Night tonight! Meet at Loni’s house (8246 S 6250 W) at 7:00. Bring a treat to share. Come have fun with friends.
Mia Maids & Laurels: Come get pampered with a fresh manicure and game of “Who said it?” Meet at the church at 7:00
Ward Temple Night
Our next Ward Temple Night is coming up on Tuesday, October 1st. The YW are providing sitters for your children to help make it easier for you to go. They will be available from 6-9pm that night. Please see Becky Workman for more info. Thank you!
Young Women Info:
- Tues. 9/24 at 7pm, meet at the church to go perform random acts of kindness to some of our neighbors. (If the girls have a favorite children’s book, they can bring it with them)
- Sat. 9/28 – Temple trip. Meet at the church at 9am.
- Sun. 9/29 – 5th Sunday lesson about the new youth program.
- Sun. at 7pm, Ward Mission Prep at Brother Parker’s home.
- Volleyball will begin in October and will be held on Thursdays. We will be sending around a signup sheet for the girls who would like to participate.
Relief Society Lesson
Sunday September 22nd, the Relief Society Lesson will be on the talk “Abound with Blessings” by Elder Dale G. Renlund. We invite you to review the talk in preparation for the lesson.
YM/YW Career Night
Tuesday 9/17 @7pm at the church
We hope the youth will join us to learn more about these careers:
Teacher- Tammy Barber
NFL- Tenny Palepoi
Dentist- Michael Sharp
Civil Engineering- Colby Christensen
Labor delivery- Christie Spoerri
Realtor- Kristin Hilman
…and more!
Young Adult Face-to-Face
The September worldwide devotional for young adults on Sunday, September 15, 2019 at 5:00 pm, will be a Face to Face event with Elder Ulisses Soares of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and Elder Craig C. Christensen of the Seventy
Elders Quorum Pinewood Derby
The Elders Quorum will hold a Pinewood Derby on September 19. The Cub Scouts will hold theirs at 7 PM, and the Elders Quorum will hold theirs at 8 PM.
Region Dance
There will be a region dance this Saturday, September 14th, from 7:30 PM to 10:30 PM at the Park Stake Center (7411 S 4800 W)