Deacon’s Quorum Activity

Tuesday January 21st at 7:00 pm

Parents, this Tuesday we will start setting up Family Search accounts for the Deacon’s (on ) and show them how to search for names to take to the temple.

If you would like your son to participate in this please send them with the following:

  • Parent’s email account to which a permission request will be sent

  • A Username your son would like to use for the website

  • Password your son can use for the website (must be at least 8 characters long and include letters and numbers; recommend a 20 character password be used)

  • Email address your son will use for the website (can be a Parent’s e-mail address or your son’s email address)

Self Reliance Devotional

The Stake will be hosting a Self-Reliance Devotional on Sunday, January 19th at 6:00pm in the Stake Center Cultural Hall.

This event is for any interested members.  Please announce this event so that members may plan to attend.


  • Personal Finance
  • Getting Education for a Better Job
  • Finding a better Job
  • Starting and Growing a Business.

Sunday School: 2020

In 2020, adult and youth Sunday School classes will focus on teachings from the Book of Mormon as outlined in Come, Follow Me LINK.

The classes will be held on the first and third Sundays of each month from 2:40 PM – 3:30 PM.

The youth courses are divided up according to the youth’s age at the beginning of the year.  For instance, youth who are age eleven as of January 1, 2020, should please plan to attend Course 11.  All adults are encouraged to attend the Gospel Doctrine course.  Classes will be held as follows:

Course 11107
Course 12104
Course 13108
Course 14103
Course 15105
Course 16-17106
Gospel Doctrine Relief Society Room

Please see a member of the Sunday School Presidency with any questions.

Christmas Sacrament Meeting

We will have a Special Christ Centered Christmas Sacrament Meeting on Dec 22nd at 10:30am.

We will only meet for Sacrement Meeting this day.

Ward Christmas Party

You are invited to an evening in Bethlehem.
Saturday Dec 7th, 5pm at the Oaks Building.

Family activities begin 5:00pm. This will be a night to remember!