Self-Reliance Devotional

There will be a self-reliance devotional at the Stake Center on May 2nd at 6 pm.

We encourage anyone interested to come participate and join one of the self-reliance courses.

Virtual joining will be available for anyone who would prefer that.

Virtual Meeting Room Info:

Meeting ID: 968 8659 9296
Passcode: 903184


Youth Devotional: West Jordan

REMINDER – April 24th – 5:00 pm-6:30 pm

WHEN: April 24 – 5:00p-6:30p

WHO: All other youth age 12-18
Adult leaders of youth (optional)

Presiding: Elder Rasband

Elder Ronald A. Rasband, Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
Sister Melanie Rasband
Elder Evan A. Schmutz, Quorum of the Seventy
Sister Cindy Schmutz
Bishop Gerald Causse, Presiding Bishopric
Sister Valerie Causse
Elder Federico M. Kahnlein, Area Seventy
Sister Sabrina Kahnlein

YW April Family History Challenge

April Family History Challenge

For this month, take some time to journal about your experiences with the pandemic. Below are some prompts to help get you started. Once you complete this, upload it to your journaling to your family search account. Our ancestors will wonder what it was like living through the Covid-19 pandemic so let’s make sure we write about it! Let a leader know when you have completed this challenge.

Feed Utah Food Drive – REMINDER

Please place your donation in a plastic grocery bag by your front door before 9am on March 20, 2021

Here are a few of the most needed items:
Peanut Butter
Canned Stew
Canned Tuna
Canned Chicken
Macaroni & Cheese

** No glass items, please.

Sunset Ridge 2nd Ward Temple Preparation Class

You are cordially invited to attend the upcoming temple preparation class.  Details of the class are as follows:

When:                Each Sunday afternoon beginning at 1:00 PM

1st Class:          March 7, 2021

How:                 Class will be available online

Instructors:      Bro. and Sis. Sharp

We hope you can join us.

The Sunday School Presidency


February 21st
10:00am to 12:00pm

Elder Paul N. Clayton of the Seventy will preside at the conference.

You are cordially invited to join our virtual West Jordan Utah Sunset Ridge Stake Conference on Sunday, February 21 from 10:00am to 12:00pm. Elder Paul N. Clayton of the Seventy will preside at the conference.

We’re excited to share these messages and music together virtually and can’t wait to be together in person again soon.

Here is the Webcast information for our upcoming Stake Conference General Session.

In the event of technical difficulties please use the link below to the stake page to find an updated link to the Stake Conference.

Stake Youth Fireside

Stake Youth Fireside, Sunday January 17th at 7:00pm

We will be presenting the 2021 youth theme:  “A Great Work” 

IN PERSON: The fireside will allow in-person attendance for up to 99 individuals, in Sunday dress, on a first-come, first-served basis. We will ask all attendees to enter the south-side entrance of the stake center, so we can keep an accurate count of attendance. 

Join on ZOOM

Meeting ID: 977 8695 1450
Passcode: 327119

Join on YouTube

YW:3 (16-18)


WHEN:Tuesdays from 7-8:30ish pm
WHERE:To Be Determined
LEADERS:Melanie Stewart, Ann Marie Anderson, and Kalee Harwood

Family History Challenge

April Family History Challenge

For this month, take some time to journal about your experiences with the pandemic. Below are some prompts to help get you started. Once you complete this, upload it to your journaling to your family search account. Our ancestors will wonder what it was like living through the Covid-19 pandemic so let’s make sure we write about it! Let a leader know when you have completed this challenge.

Upcoming Activities

Hobbies Night

April 20th- 7pm @ the church

Meet at the church at 7pm and be ready to share your hobbies so we can all learn your skills and talents. Bring a copy of your favorite yummy recipe and a sample if you’d like (yum!). Don’t forget to bring your mask too!

First Aid Class

May 4th- 7pm @ the church

Do you know what to do when you are babysitting and one of the kids is injured?! Well even if you do, come join us for a first aid class with some experts to teach us the basics. Don’t forget to bring your mask!