Seminary Youth Activity

In coordination with the Copper Hills Seminary, our Stake is planning a special youth activity on Tuesday, 1/10/23.

The goal of the activity is to encourage youth to enroll in seminary for the upcoming school year. The activity will include visiting the Copper Hills Seminary and hearing from teachers.

Refreshments will be provided, and parents are invited to attend.

Wards should plan to attend this activity on the night of their regularly scheduled youth activities.

Please meet at the Copper Hills Seminary at 7:00pm. Because of the proximity of the seminary building, no permission slips are needed for the activity.

November Stake Youth Fireside

We’re excited to have Bro. Scott Sorensen, an FSY conference speaker and seminary teacher, present to our youth and their parents about the new For the Strength of Youth (FSY) guidelines and how our youth can counsel with their parents and receive personal revelation regarding the standards they will commit to live.

This fireside will be held on Sunday, November 13, 2022 at 6:00 pm at the stake center. Sunday dress is requested, and refreshments will be provided.

Primary Program / Activities

Primary program
Nov 13. We’d like all children to participate. Please let your child’s teacher know if you will NOT be able to attend. 

–Activity days– 
Junior Boys: (Brother and Sister Butts) 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 6 pm 

Senior Boys: (Brothers Hansen and McPhie) 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 7pm 

Junior Girls: (Sisters Hansen and Thomson) 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at 6 pm 

Senior Girls: (Sister Harwood)TBA

All activities at the church unless your leader indicates otherwise 

Fall Harvest

DATE: Oct 29th

WHERE: Stake Center

TIME: Trunker-or-Treat – 5pm

Dinner – 6pm

Neighborhood 5K Fun Run

Neighborhood 5k fun run on Saturday October 15th.

Check in is at the Ballpark Building at 9am, race/fun run begins at 9:30.

There will be age groups and prizes, water stations and treats.

Stake Youth Etiquette Dinner

Where: Stake Center

When: Sept 29 at 7pm

Topics: Agency, Accountability, Dating, Dress & Appearance

Come prepared to be physically and spirituality feed!