Stake Mini MTC Activity

The Stake is hosting a Mini MTC activity on Saturday, April 22nd from 9am to 1pm at the Stake Center.

This activity is for all youth in grades 9-12 (an younger if interested).

President & Sister Spencer, who presides over the Salt Lake City West Mission, will be the keynote speakers.

The activity’s theme is “How to Live after the Manner of Happiness” and will include breakfast, lunch, and activities.

Bishops, Bishopric Counselors, and Young Women’s presidencies are invited to attend with their youth.

Emergency Preparedness

Brothers and Sisters, we received some information from our Area President about being prepared for possible flooding this spring. This is not to create panic or concern, but rather to give information on the subject.

We all know “If ye are prepared, ye shall not fear.” (DC 38:15).

I am attaching two documents that give some basic information as well as some ideas for planning in case our neighborhood does see some issues. Please review these documents if you are interested in additional information.

Also, feel free to copy or pass these on to any friends, neighbors, coworkers or family that may be interested as well. -Bishop Harwood

Ward Choir

Come join our Ward Choir – We need you!

Practices begin November 6 after church each week and will be held at the home of Bruce and Jeri Howard at 8259 S 6555 W

After church 2:30p

We will perform the fourth week of each month

Enjoy a treat with us after each practice

Stake Conf: Feb 2023

Stake Conference: Feb 18-19th

Feb 18th

  • 7pm – Adult Session: For all adult members in the Stake.

Feb 19th

  • 7:30am – Leadership Session: For Stake Presidency; High Council; Bishoprics; Elders Quorum Presidencies and Secretaries; Stake and Ward Relief Society, Young Women, Primary, and Sunday School Presidencies with Secretaries; Stake Young Men Presidency and Secretary; Ward Mission Leaders; Ward Temple & Family History Leaders; Stake and Ward Clerks; Stake and Ward Secretaries.
  • 10am – General Session: For all members, investigators, and Full-Time Missionaries.

Ward Temple Night

DATE: Thursday, Feb 16th Thursday

TIME: 7:20p

WHERE: Jordan River Temple

No reservations required

We will be doing “Sealings”

Seminary Youth Activity

In coordination with the Copper Hills Seminary, our Stake is planning a special youth activity on Tuesday, 1/10/23.

The goal of the activity is to encourage youth to enroll in seminary for the upcoming school year. The activity will include visiting the Copper Hills Seminary and hearing from teachers.

Refreshments will be provided, and parents are invited to attend.

Wards should plan to attend this activity on the night of their regularly scheduled youth activities.

Please meet at the Copper Hills Seminary at 7:00pm. Because of the proximity of the seminary building, no permission slips are needed for the activity.

November Stake Youth Fireside

We’re excited to have Bro. Scott Sorensen, an FSY conference speaker and seminary teacher, present to our youth and their parents about the new For the Strength of Youth (FSY) guidelines and how our youth can counsel with their parents and receive personal revelation regarding the standards they will commit to live.

This fireside will be held on Sunday, November 13, 2022 at 6:00 pm at the stake center. Sunday dress is requested, and refreshments will be provided.

Primary Program / Activities

Primary program
Nov 13. We’d like all children to participate. Please let your child’s teacher know if you will NOT be able to attend. 

–Activity days– 
Junior Boys: (Brother and Sister Butts) 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 6 pm 

Senior Boys: (Brothers Hansen and McPhie) 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 7pm 

Junior Girls: (Sisters Hansen and Thomson) 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at 6 pm 

Senior Girls: (Sister Harwood)TBA

All activities at the church unless your leader indicates otherwise