Magna Bishop’s Storehouse

The Church has reached out to our Stake for there is an URGENT need to fill some assignments at the Bishop’s Storehouse.

This is a great opportunity to get out of the HOUSE! 🙂

If anyone is willing and able please see the link below to find a time slot!

Please note the General Requirements below.

Due to the many recent events, many Senior Church Service Missionaries at the Welfare Square Bishop’s Storehouse and Home Storage have selected to stay home.  However, the Magna Bishop’s Storehouse and Home Storage needs to continue to operate and meet a very high volume of patrons with anticipation of growing needs.  This creates an URGENT need for volunteers to help supplement the existing staff to assist patrons in filling food orders, stocking shelves, and packing goods.  Approximately 6 additional individuals per shift are needed (two shifts per day).  If you have been trained to help patrons previously, you are in high demand. Certified forklift drivers are needed.  Ages 16 and older are welcome.  Volunteers over the age of 60 and not immune-compromised are welcome to volunteer.  Missionaries returning from the field that have the time and are cleared medically to serve would be very welcome.

Each day typically has two shifts of between 3-4.5 hours.  You may sign up for one or multiple shifts.  We are looking for a number of volunteers who could serve on multiple days and provide some consistency to the staffing.  We expect the need for additional volunteers to extend between 1-3 months depending on conditions.  Please use good judgment and follow guidelines as outlined by local health officials and recent Church updates.  Individuals who feel ill in any way are asked not to fill their assignments or come to the facility.

Ages 16 and older
Ages 60+ No underlying illnesses
Able to lift 40 lbs, if unable, let the manager know
Can communicate effectively
Able to be on their feet for extended periods
Be able to work independently
Hygienically Clean
Must be proficient in speaking English

CLOSED – Church Buildings

Sunset Ridge Ward and Stake buildings are CLOSED until further notice.

Church buildings should not be used for gatherings — even if the only gatherers are from the same household or for a family activity.  We want to stay within the guidelines established by our state and county governments.

Stake Presidency:
With the current changes from the CDC dropping the number of people gathering at one time and knowing that the Coronavirus can live up to three days on a surface, there was some concern from members about cleaning the building after an event/gathering with the possibility of having it been contaminated with COVID-19.

We are closing the building down immediately for any personal use such as parties, family gatherings/events, reunions, and sporting events, etc. We will keep the building open for ward and stake leadership meetings and interviews if needed. This means that those who have the building scheduled will need to relocate or postpone their event. I feel we need to take greater precaution and wisdom to keep our members as safe as possible. We can’t control everything, but the little we can we hope to minimize the spread of COVID-19 in our little part of the vineyard.

I understand the inconvenience placed on families that have already scheduled the building and for those that are looking to schedule it in the near future, but our members safety is our number one concern. A school district Superintendent put it this way, “In the end, it will be impossible to know if we overreacted or did too much, but it will be quite apparent if we underreacted or did too little.” Our scheduler will notify any who currently have the building reserved.

Solemn Assembly and Hosanna Shout

For those of you who were able to watch or listen to President Nelson, he announced that after the morning session of Conference tomorrow morning there will be a Solemn Assembly and Hosanna Shout.

Some may be wondering what this is, as it is not something that occurs very often. The Church News sent out a wonderful article on what this is that you can read here. This is a great resource for those who might not know what this is, as well as others that may need a refresher.

President Nelson instructed that a white handkerchief would be used during the Hosanna Shout. This does not have to be any special handkerchief, it just has to be white. If you do not have one, that is okay. You do not need to go and try and find one or buy one. He said that we can wave our hand instead and it will be just fine. -Bishop Harwood

General Conf – 2020


General Sessions – Sat.
Saturday: 10:00a – 12:00
Saturday: 2:00p – 4:00

Evening Session
Saturday: 6:00p – For all Members turning 12 this year and older.

General Sessions – Sun.
Sunday: 10:00a – 12:00
Sunday: 2:00p – 4:00

The conference can be found on channel 5, on the BYU channel, at and in other various channels and apps.

Senior Shopping Hours

Starting this week many stores are offering Senior Shopping Hours. Call ahead to see if your favorite store offers these hours. Please help us get the word out!

We love our Elderly and would like to help! If you are unable to shop or would like some assistance, please contact the Relief Society, Elders Quorum President, or a member of the Bishopric.

As of this week, Costco has temporarily set apart one hour on Tuesdays and Thursdays for members who are over the age of 60 or have physical disabilities. 

Senior-only hours: 8-9 a.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays

Starting Wednesday, March 18, Smith’s Food & Drug Stores will dedicate the first hour on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 7:00 am to 8:00 am, solely to the shopping needs of senior citizens until further notice. This group is the most vulnerable to the COVID-19 coronavirus.

BE Prepared: Coronavirus

The CDC has all the info we need to know to combat the Coronavirus.

Please follow the link below for info on how to prepare, and protect yourself from the Coronavirus.

Some people may be at higher risk of getting very sick from this illness.
This includes:

  • Older Adults
  • People who have serious underlying medical conditions like:
    • Heart disease
    • Diabetes
    • Lung disease


As announced by the first presidency:

“Beginning immediately, all public gatherings of Church members are being temporarily suspended worldwide until further notice.” This includes:

  • Stake conferences, leadership conferences, and other large gatherings
  • All public worship services, including sacrament meetings
  • Branch, ward and stake activities

As we get further instructions from our Stake President we will post them here. In the meantime, let’s be the best ministers we can be, look after one another, and take care of each other! -Stay tuned!

WARD: Choir

Starting Jan 2020, Choir will be held at 3:30pm after Church in the Chapel

Newcomers welcome! Please join us and share your musical talents.

Contact Anna White if you have any questions. Thank you!

2nd Ward Changes



The 2nd Ward will now meet at the Stake Center.

Sacrament Meeting will remain at 1:30pm

Youth Activities will remain on Tuesday at 7pm, but at the Stake Center.

Please meet at the Stake Center for all activities and meetings that would have normally been held at the Oaks building.


ROOM #’s
#109- CTR-6 & CTR-7
#110- Valiant 8A
#112- Sunbeam / Valiant 9
#113- CTR-5 / Valiant 8B
#114- CTR-4 / Valiant 10
#115- Nursery
#116- Nursery


ROOM #’s
#107- Course 11
#104- Course 12
#108- Course 13
#103- Course 14
#105- Course 15
#106- Course 16 & 17
Relief Society- Gospel Doctrine


ROOM #’s
#102- YW 3 (15-16yr)
#104- YW 1 (12-13yr)
#105- YW 2 (14-15yr)
#106- YW 4 (16-18yr)


ROOM #’s
#107- Deacons 12yr
#108- Teachers
Stage- Deacons 13yr
Bishop Office- Priests

Ward Temple Night

Our next ward temple night is coming up Friday, February 28th. It’s been a lot of fun to do sealings at 7pm then meet up at Nielsen’s Frozen Custard afterward, so we are sticking with it! Be dressed and ready to go at 7pm at the Oquirrh Mtn Temple.

Temple and Family History Leadership Broadcast

Pres. Wensel asked each of you to attend the Temple and Family History Leadership broadcast on Thursday, February 27th at 7:00pm. While it will be streamed over the internet, the Stake Center will be set up to receive the one-hour broadcast. Please plan to join us.

The theme will be “Ministering to All through Family History Work” and much of the content will address how missionary, ministering, and family history efforts can be tied together.

Below is a list of who should participate:

  • Stake Presidencies, Stake Councils, Stake High Counselors with responsibilities for temple & family history work
  • Bishoprics, Ward Councils, Relief Society and Elders Quorum Counselors responsible for missionary efforts, and family history efforts, Ward Mission Leaders
  • Youth Quorum and Class Presidencies
  • Ward Temple and Family History leaders and consultants

Face-to-Face: Youth

Face to Face Event with President and Sister Oaks, February 23, 2020 at 4:00 P.M. MST for all youth 11-18yrs old. This will be broadcasted via Internet, you can watch it on the church website.