Primary: Sr. Boys (10-11)


Have your child come join us for some fun Primary Activities!

WHEN:Held 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 7pm
WHERE:All activities at the church unless your leader indicates otherwise 
LEADERS:Brother Hansen and Brother McPhie

Primary: Sr. Girls (10-11)


Have your child come join us for some fun Primary Activities!

WHERE:All activities at the church unless your leader indicates otherwise 
LEADERS:Sister Harwood

Temple & Priesthood Preview


For those YM / YW turning 12 next year, we will be hosting a Temple Priesthood Preview.

DATE: Dec 13th
TIME: 6:00pm
WHERE: Stake Center / Primary Room
WHO: All those YM / YW turning 12 next year in 2021 and their parents!

Self-Reliance Devotional

To ensure that everyone that wants to participate in the Self Reliance classes but may not feel comfortable coming in person to the devotional, we have created an online registration form in Google Forms.  For anyone who will be attending the devotional virtually or who may not be able to make the devotional but would still like to jump into one of the groups, please complete the following form no later than Sunday, August 31st at 7:30 PM. 



Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 844 8466 9251
Passcode: 750197


Relief Society Message

Message from Sister Luciana Paz:

Hi sisters! I hope you are all doing well. I want you to know that the Relief Society Presidency loves you and we are thinking of and praying for you often.
I want to share a little message about Family History. We all know how important it is to help those that are on the other side of the veil. I want share part of Elder Bednar’s talk with you.

He said, “The Prophet Joseph Smith declared: ‘The greatest responsibility in this world that God has laid upon us is to seek after our dead. … For it is necessary that the sealing power should be in our hands to seal our children and our dead for the fullness of the dispensation of times—a dispensation to meet the promises made by Jesus Christ before the foundation of the world for the salvation of man. … Hence, God said, ‘I will send you Elijah the prophet’” (Teachings: Joseph Smith, 475).

Joseph further explained:
‘But what is the object of [the coming of Elijah]? or how is it to be fulfilled? The keys are to be delivered, the spirit of Elijah is to come, the Gospel to be established, the Saints of God gathered, Zion built up, and the Saints to come up as saviors on Mount Zion [see Obadiah 1:21].’
‘But how are they to become saviors on Mount Zion? By building their temples … and going forth and receiving all the ordinances … in behalf of all their progenitors who are dead …; and herein is the chain that binds the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the children to the fathers, which fulfills the mission of Elijah.’ (Teachings: Joseph Smith, 472–73).

Elder Russell M. Nelson has taught that the Spirit of Elijah is ‘a manifestation of the Holy Ghost bearing witness of the divine nature of the family’ (“A New Harvest Time,” Ensign, May 1998, 34). This distinctive influence of the Holy Ghost draws people to identify, document, and cherish their ancestors and family members—both past and present.

The Spirit of Elijah … Read the rest

Relief Society Message

Dear Sisters,

I hope that you and your families are all doing well. I want you to know that we as your Relief Society Presidency pray for you and love you. We are here for you. I am grateful for the opportunity to share a message with you today. 

Recently, I have been thinking a lot about light. Specifically the light of the gospel and the light of Jesus Christ. The chaos and uncertainty that we are seeing in the world today is overwhelming. I know we have all felt worried, unsure of what is next, things even may have felt  heavy and dark sometimes. 

Elder Cook said “As Latter Day Saints, we need to do our best to preserve light and protect our families and communities from this assault on morality and religious freedom.” He talked about our responsibility to be “in the world but not of the world.”  I would like to focus on what Elder Cook shared about protecting our families and our communities. It’s funny to me how important it is that we should always just stick to the basic principles of the Gospel when life gets crazy. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is our foundation and keeps us on the right path as we navigate life’s challenges. As families we can seek for light and truth, blocking out what destroys our spiritual development and growth. We have many distractions. If we can simply make time for the things that matter most, we can make our homes holy places that shelter us from evil. Family prayer, scripture study, family history, service, spending time together through FHE and other activities can be powerful sources of strength and protection.

In Matthew 5:16 it reads, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven”. We can be a source of light for those around us every day. Elder Cook illustrates how we can protect our communities through two basic principles… Honesty and treating all of God’s children as brothers and sisters. 

Being honest plays a significant … Read the rest

Relief Society Message

Good Morning Sisters,

I am grateful I had the opportunity to ponder and pray about a message for the Relief Society Sisters this week.  I want each of you sisters to know that the Relief Society Presidency loves you and we think of you and pray for you often. 

The message I would like to share today comes from the April 2020 General Conference address by Douglas D. Holmes ‘Deep in our hearts’.  The Lord is trying to help us get His gospel deeper in our hearts in order to prepare us to receive Him.  I would like to highlight two principles that Brother Holmes shared that each of us can work on to help us become closer to our Heavenly Father and be ready to receive Him. 

The first principle is relationships.  Brother Holmes reminded us that we are not expected to walk the covenant path alone.  Developing relationships with family, friends and leaders etc. will help us along the path.  Elder Renlund discussed how we can develop relationships with others: “To effectively serve others, we must see them through Heavenly Father’s eyes.  Only then can we begin to comprehend the true worth of a soul.  Only then can we sense the love that Heavenly Father has for all His children”. 

What a wonderful gift it is to be able to see others as God does.  If each of us were striving to do this, how would it impact our families, our ward and our communities?  There are so many things in the world now that divide us but if we are working on strengthening or building relationships with others through service and seeing them as God does, we can make an impact for good in our world. 

Second principle:  Connecting hearts with Heaven through revelation, agency and repentance.  Brother Holmes said, “in order to connect our hearts with heaven, we need individual experiences.  Those experiences come as the Holy Ghost carries the word and love of God to our mind and heart”.  In the same conference session, Elder Neil L. Anderson spoke about spiritually defining memories that help … Read the rest

Seminary Graduation 2020

Graduation – Sunday, June 7th 6:00p-6:30p

Seminary Graduation on Sunday!

There will be a 30 minute virtual meeting for EVERYONE (not just graduates) who attended seminary this year on YouTube.

Following the graduation broadcast, all of the graduates are invited to a drive-thru where we will take some time to congratulate them on this accomplishment. Please limit your family group to one car per family.

Youth Stake Activity

We’ve had to cancel our Stake Youth Activity that was scheduled for this coming Thursday, April 30. But we’d still like to hold a virtual activity with our youth. Logistics make this difficult to hold at a certain date and time. Instead, we’ve decided to invite our youth to participate in a COVID-19 Mask Competition (see attached flyer). They can design and create masks that they, their family members, and/or other people can use. If the youth create more masks than they and their family can use, we will donate them locally. We will give prizes to the youth for various categories, such as most creative mask, most colorful mask, most professional mask, etc. For the youth who creates the most masks to donate (see below), we will have a special award. We will even have a best design award for those youth who are not able to acquire the materials or means to actually make the masks–they can design masks on an electronic device (iPad, phone) or sketch it on paper and submit their design for award consideration.

As a stake, we do not have the materials for the masks. However, for those youth who legitimately want to create a good number of masks to donate, volunteer kits and materials can be acquired through Project Protect and the Just Serve Initiative. More information is available at:

Attached are some basic instructions for 2 different types of masks. The youth can use these patterns (or their own pattern/design) and material of their own to create their masks. We hope that youth leaders and parents will help our youth acquire material and tools to make this happen–there may be ward members who have extra material and thread that they would donate. (If a ward needs to purchase material to enable its youth to participate, please speak to me or Sis. Watson before purchasing, as we may be able to assist with that purchase via the stake youth budget.) If the youth do not have access to a sewing machine, they may (1) sew the mask by hand, (2) work with parents/leaders … Read the rest

POSTPONED to 2021 – FSY Registration

Due to the ongoing impact of the global COVID-19 pandemic, it has become necessary to postpone For the Strength of Youth (FSY) conferences held in 2020 in the U.S. and Canada to now be held in 2021. Refunds will automatically be made to those who have registered.

Brothers and Sisters-

Today is officially the first day that registration for FSY camps is open. There has been some confusion about this since it is the first time. I think we have gotten things worked out on our end.

1) Your child must be registered for an LDS account in order to register. This requires an email and your child’s membership number which can be found on LDS tools. If you have difficulty please reach out to a member of the bishopric for help. Each youth must be approved by the bishop, but I cannot approve them until they have a church account set up. Everyone that currently has an account should already be approved. If there is a problem, or once the account is set up please reach out to me to get them approved.

2) Your youth is able to go to FSY is they are turning 14 this year and older. They are not eligible if they are graduating high school or older in 2020.

3) Wards and stakes will NOT be signing up together for a particular week. Choose a week and location that works for you. With all of the changes this year in the youth program we have gotten behind on dates for multi-day youth camps for the young men. We will have those figured tonight.

4) The cost of FSY is $150.00. $75 will be required from you and the ward will cover the other $75. Because of this please make sure to cancel as soon as possible if you find out that you will not be able to make it the week that you sign up, so we can avoid this charge.

If you have any questions please reach out to me or one of my councilors.

Here is a link directing Read the rest

CANCELED – Multi-Stake Dance 3/14

Saturday, March 14, 2020 7­:10 pm Sunset Ridge Stake Center
8107 S 6700 W, West Jordan, UT 84081

Wear your favorite Disney, Pixar, Marvel, or Star Wars attire. Disneybounding welcome. No weapons.
Dress must comply with For the Strength of Youth guidelines. Shorts, skirts, & dresses must be at least to the knee. Shirts should cover midriff and shoulders. Clothing may not be low­cut in front or back.

Game room with refreshments when you want to take a break from dancing.

Please see a member of the bishopric if you need a dance card.