Primary Program / Activities

Primary program
Nov 13. We’d like all children to participate. Please let your child’s teacher know if you will NOT be able to attend. 

–Activity days– 
Junior Boys: (Brother and Sister Butts) 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 6 pm 

Senior Boys: (Brothers Hansen and McPhie) 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 7pm 

Junior Girls: (Sisters Hansen and Thomson) 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at 6 pm 

Senior Girls: (Sister Harwood)TBA

All activities at the church unless your leader indicates otherwise 

Stake Youth Post-Trek Fireside

A stake youth post-Trek fireside will be held on Sunday, July 31, 2022 at 6:00 pm in the stake center cultural hall.

We will have a chance to hear from many of our stake Trek participants, particularly our youth and their Trek Mas and Pas. All the youth of our stake (whether they participated in Trek or not), their parents, and their ward youth leaders are invited to attend.

All adult leaders involved in Trek in any capacity are also asked to attend.

Sunday dress is requested. Refreshments will be provided.

Stake Trek to Martin’s Cove June 27-29

We’re excited for Trek which starts tomorrow Monday, June 27 and runs through Wednesday, June 29.  

All youth participants must have a completed permission slip/medical release form in order to attend Trek. Please turn in those forms to a ward or stake youth leader ASAP or bring them with you when dropping off your gear.

June 26th- All Trek participants–youth and adults–must drop off their gear for Trek–a bucket of personal belongings, sleeping bag, etc.–TONIGHT from 6-7 pm at the stake center. Monday (June 27th) morning, the youth need to be at the stake center, dressed in pioneer clothes, ready to go, at 7:30 am.  

For any last minute questions, please contact your Ma & Pa or a member of the stake YM/YW presidency. Thanks!

Seminary Graduation

Rehearsal for Graduates

Seminary graduates will provide a special musical number as part of the graduation.  To prepare for this number, graduates should join a rehearsal on Sunday, May 29th from 4-5pm at the Stake Center.  


The Stake will hold Seminary Graduation on Sunday, June 5th at 6:00pm.

Date Your Mate

Bring your mate for a night of food and fun!

Feb 16th at 6:30 pm at the Stake Center

Relief Society and Elders Quorum are invited to attend.

We will have dinner and dessert!

We are looking to get a count for dinner, please fill out this super quick survey:

YM: Camp 2022

DATE: August 3rd – 6th

LOCATION:Mink Creek Idaho – Bennett Cabin
COST:$50 – (Due July 17th)
Use Tithing Slip > “Other” box > YM Camp 2022
TEMP (Expected)65F-100F
LEADERS: DeaconsBrad Tobler, TJ Mellars
LEADERS: TeachersErik Homer, Andrew Hatch
LEADERS: Priests:Bishop Harwood, John Bennett, Josh Childs
THEME:Say “YES” (Trust in the Lord)

ITINERARY – This may change depending on availability.

8/2 (Tue)Gear & Pack Check / Drop Off 7:00p – 8:00p (Bishop’s House)
8274 S 6335 W
Depart for Camp, meet 4pm: Bishop Harwoods House
Dinner: Pizza – Pickup along the way
(13x Dominos Mediums — Chips, Fruit snacks, Cookies and Water)
Spiritual Thought: Bishop Harwood
8/4 (Thr)BEAR LAKE (Paddle boards, Motor boats)
Breakfast: Continental
(Muffins, Fruit, Instant oatmeal, OJ, Baked goods, Toast)
Pack Lunches
Spiritual Thought: Deacons Quorum
6:30aTravel: Bear Lake: Ideal Beach
NoonLunch: Sack Lunches
(Sandwiches, Chips, Fruit snacks, Cookies, Fruit, Nuts, Granola bars and Water)
Travel: Bennett Cabin
Dinner: Smoked pork shoulder
(Chips, Pork sandwiches, Coleslaw, Brownies, and Ice cream)
Spiritual Thought: Brad Tobler
Snacks: nuts, crackers, chips, cookies, pretzels, popcorn, cheez-its, goldfish, mixed candy, veggie straws
8/5 (Fri)Bear River Resort (Swimming), Frisbee Golf, Fishing, 22 Shooting
(Pancakes, bacon, eggs)
Spiritual Thought: Priests Quorum
NoonLunch: Sack Lunches
(Sandwiches, Chips, Fruit snacks, Cookies, Fruit, Nuts, Granola bars and Water)
Travel: Bennett Cabin
Dinner: Bratwurst
(Corn on the cob, baked beans, chips, ice cream sandwiches)
Spiritual Thought: Erik Homer
Testimony Meeting
Snacks: nuts, crackers, chips, cookies, pretzels, popcorn, cheez-its, goldfish, mixed candy, veggie straws
7aBreakfast: Continental
(Muffins, Fruit, Instant oatmeal, Baked goods, Toast)
Spiritual Thought – Teachers Quorum
NoonLunch: Sack Lunches
(Sandwiches, Chips, Fruit snacks, Cookies, Fruit, Nuts, Granola bars and Water)
NoonDRIVE: Will be back home 3pm
UPDATED: 07/6/2022


The average temperature in Aug is low 67°F and high 96°F. Temperature

  • Small backpack
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