Primary Program

The Primary Presidency is pleased to present the 2019 Primary Program. The program will be held Sept 8th at 10:30am, during Sacrament Meeting.

NOTE: Due to the shortened sacrament meeting time, not all kids will have a speaking part as we only have 30 mins for the Primary program. However, each child will have an opportunity to sing upfront.

Jr. Activity Day

Jr. Activity Day Thursday from 4-5 at Bambi Child’s House. Summer party. Girls may get wet. No Jr. Activity Day in July. We will resume in August!

Cub Scouts

Meet at the church @ 6pm for den meetings today. Next two Wednesdays we will be meeting at the church at 6pm. Pack meeting will be a bike rodeo on the 26th. We have an officer from WJ police department coming to present safety tips.