We are doing another Instant Choir for Father’s Day this Sunday.
The piece is “Fathers” from the Children’s Song Book #209.
We will just do the melody: Women: 1st verse Men 2nd verse All: 3rd verse.
If you are not familiar with this song, the easiest way to learn it is by listening to the recordings provided by the church. Each source has an audio recording you can listen to. You can find them here:
The Sacred Music App: Children’s Songbook #209 Fathers
Gospel Library App on mobile devices: Music > Children’s Songbook > #209 Fathers
All Young Men in our stake boundaries ages 11 (provided they turn 12 during 2023) through 18 (graduating high school seniors are welcome and encouraged to attend) are eligible to attend camp, along with adult leaders currently serving in callings with the Young Men (bishoprics, YM advisors, YM specialists, etc.)
LEADERS: Deacons
Brad Tobler, TJ Mellars, Tim Bell
LEADERS: Teachers
Erik Homer, Andrew Hatch, Russ Covington
LEADERS: Priests:
Bishop Harwood, Josh Childs, Tyler Jones
“Built On the Rock”
Packing List
All participants should plan to bring the following items to camp:
Sleeping bag & sleeping pad
Camp chair
Pajamas/sleeping clothes
3 pairs socks & underwear
3 shirts
3 pants/shorts
Sturdy, closed-toe shoes
Swimsuit – Recommended to wear when arriving to camp check-in on Thursday 7/13
Water shoes, if desired
Soap, shampoo, deodorant, toothbrush/paste
Towel & washcloth
Flip flops (for shower)
Insect repellant
Pen & journal
Poncho/rain jacket
Sunglasses, if desired
Medication (in zip-top bag, labeled with name and ward)
Water bottle
Work gloves
The following list of items are prohibited and should not be brought to camp by the Young Men:
Cell phones
May 9th, the Stake Young Men’s Presidency sent out an email regarding our 2023 Stake YM’s Camp.
Email was sent to all Young Men, parents of Young Men, and adult leaders of Young Men in our stake. All Young Men in our stake ages 11 (provided they turn 12 during 2023) through 18 (graduating HS seniors are welcome and encouraged to attend) are eligible to attend, along with adult leaders currently serving in callings with the Young Men.
Youth and Leaders will need to Register and Fill out Permission slips to attend.
Please use the links below to register online, and download the permission slips. (Please return permission slips to a YMs Leader)
Brothers and Sisters, we received some information from our Area President about being prepared for possible flooding this spring. This is not to create panic or concern, but rather to give information on the subject.
We all know “If ye are prepared, ye shall not fear.” (DC 38:15).
I am attaching two documents that give some basic information as well as some ideas for planning in case our neighborhood does see some issues. Please review these documents if you are interested in additional information.
Also, feel free to copy or pass these on to any friends, neighbors, coworkers or family that may be interested as well. -Bishop Harwood
We are excited to kick off a new year of Stake Young Men and Men’s Basketball 2023.
Young Men will be playing Thursday nights
Men will play on Friday nights.
The season begins this week and will end with a short tournament.
Please see the Basketball schedule below, for both Men’s & YM’s basketball.
Please also see the Rules/Procedures for basketball this year. Take note that we are adding a point system to help drive participation, sportsmanship and support.
If you have any questions Miles Jensen (Stake High Council) or Erik Pederson (Stake Physical Activities Director)
7pm – Adult Session: For all adult members in the Stake.
Feb 19th
7:30am – Leadership Session: For Stake Presidency; High Council; Bishoprics; Elders Quorum Presidencies and Secretaries; Stake and Ward Relief Society, Young Women, Primary, and Sunday School Presidencies with Secretaries; Stake Young Men Presidency and Secretary; Ward Mission Leaders; Ward Temple & Family History Leaders; Stake and Ward Clerks; Stake and Ward Secretaries.
10am – General Session: For all members, investigators, and Full-Time Missionaries.