Political News


Caucus: Both Parties have been cancelled
State Conventions: both in-person state conventions have been cancelled
GOP convention: will be virtual-only. Not sure about the Dems.

Church leaders have asked all members to be actively involved in the community and in civic affairs. They have also called upon us to vote in all elections to vote for men and women for elected office who are “honest”, “good” and “wise” and who best exemplify Church principles both with regards to their private lives and in terms of their public policy positions on major issues such as abortion and traditional marriage between one man and one woman where the Church has taken an official position. In order to be eligible to vote in an election, you must be at least 18 years of age and register to vote with the county clerk. Here is a link to register to vote if you have not already done so. Utah citizens have the option of registering as members of one of the following political parties or they may register as ‘unaffiilated’:

Utah Republican Party

Utah Democrat Party

Utah Constitution Party

United Utah Party

Utah Libertarian Party

Note that you have the option of choosing to vote in person or receive mail in ballots. While you can register to vote the same day as you vote in person, the mail in ballot voter registration deadline is nearly a month before the June primary and November general election dates so if you are planning on voting by mail you will need to register in advance. Many Church members may not be aware of who their elected representatives might be or which candidates are running for each office that will appear on their ballots. Here is a link you might find useful. Below is a list of important upcoming election dates:

March 3rd – Utah Presidential Primary

Caucus March 24th – Run for delegate for your preferred political party

Church leaders have asked Church members to attend the neighborhood caucuses of their preferred political party to elect county and state delegates who will then attend the county and state party conventions and vote to nominate candidates for local, state and federal office. Please see the links below for caucus night meeting locations.

Republican Party Caucus Locations

Democrat Party Caucus Locations

April 11th Salt Lake County Democrat Convention

April 18th Salt Lake County GOP Convention

April 25th – Utah Republican Party & Utah Democrat Party Conventions

June 30th Primary Day

November 3rd – General Election

Brother Pyne
has been assigned to be our Ward Political Liaison.

He will be a resource to us, and will provide information about things like locations, times, and where to learn about candidates, etc.

NOTE: On the dates of caucuses and other political nights, all meetings and activities will be canceled for that night to encourage higher participation.