CLOSED – Church Buildings
Sunset Ridge Ward and Stake buildings are CLOSED until further notice.
Church buildings should not be used for gatherings — even if the only gatherers are from the same household or for a family activity. We want to stay within the guidelines established by our state and county governments.
Stake Presidency:
With the current changes from the CDC dropping the number of people gathering at one time and knowing that the Coronavirus can live up to three days on a surface, there was some concern from members about cleaning the building after an event/gathering with the possibility of having it been contaminated with COVID-19.
We are closing the building down immediately for any personal use such as parties, family gatherings/events, reunions, and sporting events, etc. We will keep the building open for ward and stake leadership meetings and interviews if needed. This means that those who have the building scheduled will need to relocate or postpone their event. I feel we need to take greater precaution and wisdom to keep our members as safe as possible. We can’t control everything, but the little we can we hope to minimize the spread of COVID-19 in our little part of the vineyard.
I understand the inconvenience placed on families that have already scheduled the building and for those that are looking to schedule it in the near future, but our members safety is our number one concern. A school district Superintendent put it this way, “In the end, it will be impossible to know if we overreacted or did too much, but it will be quite apparent if we underreacted or did too little.” Our scheduler will notify any who currently have the building reserved.