Alma 39-42 “The Great Plan of Happiness”
Hello Friends! I hope that you are all well enough. I hope every month that we will return to a “normal” church schedule so that I can stop writing my thoughts by letter. I sincerely miss having an actual discussion with you so that I can hear your thoughts and learn from you. I feel bad that you have to read my ramblings, however, you are stuck with me!
There were a few prevailing themes that ran through my head as I read this week’s readings. The first was “Fathers” and the second was “How the Lord blesses us”. I will start off by sharing my thoughts about Fathers.
Ezra Taft Benson said, “The sacred title of ‘Father’ is shared with the Almighty. …Fatherhood is not a matter of station or wealth; it is a matter of desire, diligence and determination to see one’s family exalted in the celestial kingdom. If that prize is lost, nothing else really matters.”
Elder D. Todd Christofferson said, “Perhaps the most essential of a father’s work is to turn the hearts of his children to their Heavenly Father. If by his example as well as his words a father can demonstrate what fidelity to God looks like in day -to-day living, that father will have given his children the key to peace in this life and eternal life in the world to come.”
In this week’s readings we conclude the blessing that Alma is giving his sons with the words that he shares with Corianton. I noticed that Alma does not give Corianton a long list of how Corianton did not listen to him. Alma got straight to the point about what Corianton had done wrong (vs 2-4), conveyed to Corianton what the spirit had directed Alma to say (vs 12) and then taught Corianton beautiful doctrine. This allowed for the Spirit to teach Corianton at a level that Corianton could understand due to his life experiences. There was a teaching moment in this for me as I parent my children. I know that the Book of Mormon Videos are artistic interpretations of “What could have happened” but I was touched by the embrace between Alma and Corianton at the beginning of the meeting. Teaching with Love, Being Submissive and Humble, Allowing the Spirit to guide: These are all attributes that I feel Alma possessed as I read his words. The outcome of the meeting with Corianton wasn’t anger or frustration, it was a desire to change. Alma had a responsibility as the Prophet but also as a father to teach his sons. He had to correct the behavior and still preserve the relationship with his son. Alma knew what the ultimate prize was and he had shown his sons by his own actions how they should live their lives. It wasn’t hard for the sons of Alma to hear the words their father spoke, because they knew Alma had lived what he spoke and thus believed every word.
Our current climate in the world does not value or hold a high importance on Fathers. Fathers have a difficult road to travel. Fathers are responsible for many aspects of family life in a traditional family setting. We do not give fathers enough credit for the many hats that they wear on a daily basis. Fathers need to be supported and encouraged by their families. We often overlook this important piece of the family dynamic. I did not have a father in my home for much of my growing up years. I did not have an active priesthood holder in my home until I married. I am so grateful for the many leaders, ministering brethren and friends who have blessed me and my family through the honorable use of their Priesthood Authority. I am grateful for The Family: A Proclamation to the World, which clearly states the purpose and organization of families.
The second theme I felt during my reading this week was “How the Lord Blesses Us”. I had a strong impression as I read the chapters over the last two weeks that Alma is preparing his sons for what the Lord has told him is coming. Horrific battles with the Lamanites are imminent. In the next 74 years, Christ will be born, in a little over 100 years the risen Lord will show himself to the Nephites. In about 500 years the total destruction of the Nephites will have occurred. Alma knows his sons and their posterity will be a part in all of these events. There are many scriptures that talk about how the Lord sends his prophets to warn us and help prepare us for the things to come. I was reminded of conference addresses over the last few years that brought a remembrance to me of how the Lord has blessed me to prepare for what is happening in our world right now. (There are about 100 of them, I pulled these quickly for reference!) The Sabbath is a Delight, President Russell M Nelson A Home Where the Spirit of the Lord Dwells, Henry B Eyring Prepared to Obtain Every Needful Thing, Elder David A Bednar
How blessed we are to live in a time where we are given direction by our Heavenly Father by the guidance of the Spirit through our prophets and fathers and other leaders. I know they love us!
There are so many great scriptures filled with rich doctrine in these chapters that I would be remiss if I didn’t touch on some of the verses that mean the most to me. (Here is where I really wish I could hear your thoughts as all of you are in different stages of life!)
Chapter 39:
Vs. 9 – The word “cross” if you look at the footnote relates to Self Mastery. I thought it an interesting use of the word as we know it. This footnote made me think of the cross that the Savior died on and that through our Saviors sacrifice we can overcome our weakness. It is through the Atonement that we can gain strength and thus Self Mastery.
Vs. 13 – Humility. Did Alma and the Sons of Mosiah know a thing or two about this? Yes. It would be easy to avoid the land of the Zoramites but Alma knows that Corianton needs to return and acknowledge his faults.
Chapter 40:
Vs. 23, 26 – To ”die as to things pertaining to things of righteousness”, “consigned to partake of the fruits of their labors or their works”. I don’t want to sound trivial but I don’t think this sounds like a good time. I look forward to having my soul restored to my body and not having my appetites or addictions be a part of my life. Sometimes, I want to see people here on earth be punished for the pain and anguish they cause to others. I know this is a fault of mine. These verses explain that the wicked will be punished in the afterlife and it is severe. I should remember to leave judgement of a person’s actions to Heavenly Father.
Chapter 41-42:
I am going to share questions that are raised in our home frequently (it seems weekly): If we have agency, why do people get punished if they don’t do what God wants them to do? When we die, if “heaven” is what the scriptures say, why can’t we just repent and get all of the blessings? Who decides that people are “good”? Some people do “good” things but don’t believe in our church? The verses in these chapters have been used to answer some of these questions. Chapter 41:2-10 ending with “wickedness never was happiness” sums it all up for me. We can’t try to change what the world says is good for what God says is righteous.
Chapter 41:14-15: Our reward in heaven is to have mercy, justice, righteous judgement and goodness restored to us if we practice these things to others here on earth.
Chapter 42:27: “Whosoever will come may come and partake of the waters of life freely; and whosever will not come the same is not compelled to come, but in the last day it shall be restored unto him according to his deeds.” We do have a choice and the consequence of our choice will be restored to us.
I hope that you have enjoyed the readings this week. The Book of Mormon is a precious gift. I hope that we never fail to take the opportunity to share our testimony with our families regarding the truths that we find in the Book of Mormon. Hang in there, our families depend on it!
Sister Rooley