Youth Stake Activity

We’ve had to cancel our Stake Youth Activity that was scheduled for this coming Thursday, April 30. But we’d still like to hold a virtual activity with our youth. Logistics make this difficult to hold at a certain date and time. Instead, we’ve decided to invite our youth to participate in a COVID-19 Mask Competition (see attached flyer). They can design and create masks that they, their family members, and/or other people can use. If the youth create more masks than they and their family can use, we will donate them locally. We will give prizes to the youth for various categories, such as most creative mask, most colorful mask, most professional mask, etc. For the youth who creates the most masks to donate (see below), we will have a special award. We will even have a best design award for those youth who are not able to acquire the materials or means to actually make the masks–they can design masks on an electronic device (iPad, phone) or sketch it on paper and submit their design for award consideration.

As a stake, we do not have the materials for the masks. However, for those youth who legitimately want to create a good number of masks to donate, volunteer kits and materials can be acquired through Project Protect and the Just Serve Initiative. More information is available at:

Attached are some basic instructions for 2 different types of masks. The youth can use these patterns (or their own pattern/design) and material of their own to create their masks. We hope that youth leaders and parents will help our youth acquire material and tools to make this happen–there may be ward members who have extra material and thread that they would donate. (If a ward needs to purchase material to enable its youth to participate, please speak to me or Sis. Watson before purchasing, as we may be able to assist with that purchase via the stake youth budget.) If the youth do not have access to a sewing machine, they may (1) sew the mask by hand, (2) work with parents/leaders to see if someone in the ward could assist in sewing the mask, (3) create a “no sew” mask (e.g., bandana/scarf style, cutting knit/t-shirt material in the shape of a mask, etc.), or (4) participate in the “best design” portion of the competition.

This “activity” will run from now until Saturday, May 9. By the May 9 deadline, youth should submit their entries in the competition by taking a 1-2 photos of their mask(s) and either: (a) posting the photos to their Instagram account (if public) and tagging @sunsetridgestakeyouth; (b) emailing the photos to; or (c) emailing/texting the photos to a member of the Stake Young Men’s or Stake Young Women’s Presidency. We will announce the winners shortly thereafter on our stake youth social media accounts.

On that note, if you have not done so already, please follow @sunsetridgestakeyouth on Instagram and follow the Sunset Ridge Stake Youth page and group on Facebook. And encourage your youth and their parents to do the same. We have started posting a lot more information on those accounts and we want to make sure it is reaching everyone.

We look forward to this being a fun and rewarding activity for our youth! Please help us in that endeavor by getting the word out ASAP. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Bro. Brigham Lundberg – Sunset Ridge Stake Young Mens President